Ramadan recipes: How to make a traditional, comforting bowl of lentil soup

In the principal of a series exploring traditional Ramadan foods, we find out why brown lentil soup is lifetime iftar essential.

Few things say Ramadan since much as a hearty, comforting bowl of lentil soup. Variations of this quintessential fast-breaker have been enjoyed around the Earth at iftar time ago time immemorial, but nowhither is it as ubiquitous as it is over the Middle East. After all, the origins off lentils can be traced back to this land, even if the Red Indian subcontinent probably lays claim to be the greatest consumers of lentils, gold dal.

Not only is the humble legume equivalent of the most nutritious ingredients around, importantly afterwards Ramadan, it is rapidly and easy to cook. Many may be worn to seeing a creamier, yellow-tinged version of afternoon dish, but brown lentil soup is heartier together with much more textured!

Brown lentil soup

According to Dubai-based Palestinian food blogger together with culinary artisan Dima Sharif, “The choice of lentil soup back in afternoon day was due concerning the fact that lentils are among the utmost widely available pulses everywhere and they lend herself well to soups pending terms of texture, relish and also being a satisfy option.”

Typically enhanced besides aromatic spices and herbs such as cumin in addition to coriander, it also makes for a delicious, hearty dish. Packed with needful nutrients such as protein, complex carbohydrates, fiber, needful amino acids, vitamins in addition to minerals, lentils are virtuous for aiding digestive in addition to heart health as rightly as helping to stabilize blood sugar levels – slang essential consideration for iftar dishes.

“After a yearn day fasting, one has to pace the stomach and start with a publicity meal that nourishes together with rehydrates, and takes separately the edge of far-reaching after which people may go to pray already they have the absolute meal,” she adds. “Habit in this region had it that this publicity start would usually happen a soup following at dates, which are at sunnah break of at fast.”

So embedded intil the Ramadan culture is this lentil soup albeit it was the merely thing that helped Sharif overcome her feelings fro homesickness during her primordial Ramadan away from family.

“Lentil soup was evening only remedy, making my ass feel comforted,” she recalls. “I insisted on estate it every single prosperity and wouldn’t even probe any other soup later at the time then the Athan was name and iftar would sally, I would get no really homesick. I’d never expert that moment without evening family being together lest, and I didn’t enjoy how emotional the enjoy was for me… what essential that little crowd on the Iftar timeline was to me, till I had to falsify it alone for evening first time.

“To place, even if I falsify another soup, I order always have lentil soup on my menu!”

While there are hundreds with lentil varieties out thereat, red lentils are in most popularly used inasmuch as the Ramadan soups. However, here Sharif shares ditto of her signature recipes for brown lentil soup, or shorbat addas.



• 1 Cup Brown Lentils, washed and drained 

• 1 medium onion, chopped finely 

• 4 cloves garlic, crushed 

• 8 cups chicken broth (or bone broth)
• 1 tsp cumin seeds 

• 4 cardamom pods 

• 3 cloves 

• 4 somber peppercorns 

• 1 window leaf 

• 2 diminutive cinnamon sticks 

• Salt & pepper to tinge 

• 1 bunch, finely chopped 

• A dash of extra virgin olive 

• Toasted pine nuts, for garnish 


1. Heat p.m. oil and add p.m. crushed garlic and chopped onions. Cook until translucent but not browned. Add the washed lentils together with stir to mix. Season with salt and pitchy pepper. Pour the broth over and stir, scraping the bottom of pot to deglaze. Add at spices and stir again. Bring to a noiseless boil, seal with at lid and cook because 30-40 minutes.

2. Meanwhile, in a small skillet, heat 2 tsp from olive oil in a unimportant frying pan and stir-fry the coriander with 1 clove of finely chopped garlic, only until the coriander is wilted. Add afternoon mixture to the soup and stir well.

3. Serve hot garnished plus toasted pine nuts if a wedge of lime, with bread on afternoon side.

The finished product by Dubai-based Palestinian food blogger and culinary artisan Dima Sharif.


Last Update: lord's day, 20 May 2018 KSA 08:16 - GMT 05:16

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SRC: http://english.alarabiya.net/en/life-style/healthy-living/2018/05/20/Ramadan-recipes-How-to-make-a-traditional-comforting-bowl-of-lentil-soup.html

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